5 Manuscript Formatting Mistakes that Cost You Time and Money (and What to Do Instead)
The first thing I do when I get a manuscript to edit is apply simple formatting changes that make editing easier and quicker. But I see a lot that need......
I’m Shawna, and it’s my job to walk side by side with you on your publishing journey, easing your manuscript over the editing potholes in the path so you can put your writing into the world with confidence.
(manuscript assessment + line edit)
The Full Editing Journey is a quest of epic proportions through your story’s craft, writing style, and grammar/usage/mechanics, one I walk every step of the way with you. It combines the benefits of a Story Diagnostic (manuscript assessment), Style Tune-Up (line edit + copyedit) into one comprehensive, affordable service.
(line edit + copyedit)
A Style Tune-Up makes your words stand up and sing! It starts with a deep language revision (line edit) of your entire manuscript, editing line by line to fix anything that might take a critical reader out of your story. It ends with a final battle to smooth your manuscript’s grammar, spelling, and other mechanics (copyedit).
(manuscript assessment)
Wondering if your first draft, half draft, final draft, or anything in between is on track? A Story Diagnostic (manuscript assessment) will help you tone up your plot, characters, structure, and other craft elements so you can publish with confidence. It’s like a developmental edit—without the high cost.
. . . and more! Click the button to see the full menu of book editing services.
The first thing I do when I get a manuscript to edit is apply simple formatting changes that make editing easier and quicker. But I see a lot that need......
I want a guarantee you won’t steal my work. This was the closing line of a prospective client’s email I recently received. While the message was brusque (and kind of......
Last year, I successfully completed and passed the (very hard, very tricky) Macmillan editing test and joined the publisher’s ranks of active freelancers. I’ve now worked on copyediting, proofreading, and......